Rest img mismatch after AFNI normalization

Hi everybody,

I'm currently processing a series of rest fmri data which need to be manually normalized.

The procedure briefly goes like this:

 -- dparsf completed the pre-normalization steps from 'dicom->nifti' to 'realign'
 -- toggle spm, 'coregister: estimate', 

 -- switch AFNI,
   '3dWarp -deoblique' and '3drefit -markers ' to generate sturctural .HEAD/BRIK pair

   '3dTcat' to generate epi .HEAD/BRIK pair
  -- manual normalization in AFNI under the talairach cordinate system and got the '+tlrc.HEAD/BRIK' files

  -- '3dAFNItoNIFTI' to generate the '.nii' files which were transformated into NIFTI subsequently by MricroN

  -- dparsf then performed 'smooth-->detrend-->filter-->ALFF,mALFF', 
                                    'detrend-->filter-->Reho' successfully
  -- statistic analysis in rest
  during the procedures, I used a mask made from talairach N27 template available in AFNI.
  Presented in the rest_slice_viewer, the map and the template were well matched as stated in the previous topic. However, back in AFNI, I found a mismatch between the underlayed N27 template and overlayed statistic map. 

  So I checked backforth the interim files. 

  The manually normalized files matched the template well:

Nevertheless, the detrended file could not be presented in talairach view as overlay:

so I did a '3dcopy' to get the talarich view of the detrented file as overlay, but with significant mismatch:

So it was with the statistic map as overlay.

What might the problem be?

Were there any possible operational missing or mistakes during  my procedure?

Thanks a lot!



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