Demonstrational Data for Resting-State fMRI

You can use the demonstrational data to test DPABI/DPARSF/DPABISurf. Please pay close attention to the organization of the demo data, thus you can find how to organize your own data. Please use DPABI->Utilities->Check Data Organization to check your own data before running DPARSFA and DPABISurf_Pipeline.

1. Raw Data

1.1 DemoRaw->DemoData:

FunRaw   ->    Functional DICOM data

T1Raw    ->    Structural DICOM data

1.2. DemoRaw->FieldMapDemoData: Has Field Map data to test.

FunRaw   ->    Functional DICOM data

T1Raw    ->    Structural DICOM data

FieldMap/Magnitude1Raw  -> DICOM data for Echo 1 Magnitude

FieldMap/Magnitude2Raw  -> DICOM data for Echo 2 Magnitude

FieldMap/PhaseDiffRaw  -> DICOM data for Phase differences between 2 Echos

2. Statistical Demo Data for Volume (DPARSF)


2.1. EC_EO: Paired T Test for one group of participants in eyes-closed and eyes-open conditions.

ALFF_FunImgARCW_EC: ALFF Maps for eyes-closed.

ALFF_FunImgARCW_EO: ALFF Maps for eyes-open.

Motion_EC.txt: Head Motion as Covariates for eyes-closed.

Motion_EO.txt: Head Motion as Covariates for eyes-open.

GroupMask_90percent.nii: Group mask for statistical analysis.

2.2. Sex: Two Sample T Test for two groups of participants: Male and Female.

ALFF_FunImgARCW_Male: ALFF Maps for Male.

ALFF_FunImgARCW_Female: ALFF Maps for Female.

Cov_Male.txt: Covariates for Male, including Age, Head Motion and Site Regressors.

Cov_Female.txt: Covariates for Female, including Age, Head Motion and Site Regressors.

GroupMask_90percent.nii: Group mask for statistical analysis.

3. Statistical Demo Data for Surface (DPABISurf)

3.1. SurfStatsDemoData: for practicing Two Sample T Tests with DPABISurf.

3.2. SurfStatsDemoResults_ForVIEW: Statistical Test Results files for practicing viewing with DPABISurf_VIEW. This including sex effects with significant results.

                    DOWNLOAD   Demonstrational Data 

If you want to practice DPABISurf while skipping fmriprep processing, please download DemoData_DPABISurf

If you want to practice DPABINet, please download DemoData_DPABINet

 Hi all

i want the description of this data ,and what the variables can change with this data?

thanks for your help.