Submitted by marvelancet on Thu, 09/30/2010 - 23:36
the previous error i brought up was fixed by adding the line
before initializing dparsf.
however, the time between pressing the bottom "run" and actual data precessing is much longer in the linux environment than windows (just now i experienced a 15 min lag).
so is the time for data precessing.
what might the problem be? how can i fix it?
i'm currently using double systems on my laptop, which are windows XP and linux fedora ver 12.
I ran into some problems when I try to compute functional connectivity when using DPARSF. It gave me error message as following. I tried REST to do FC analysis and got same error message. And it is apparently not due to different preprocessing because I used DPARSF to do the preprocessing. Would you please help me solve the problem? Thanks a lot for your help in advance.
Recently I used DPARSF to process some functional images obtained from GE HDx 3.0T system, my environment was Ubuntu 9.10 AMD 64 Version, Matlab 2009b, SPM8 and DPARSF 100510.
During converting Dicom to nii step, the system keeps running but nothing was converted from dicom files.
Maybe it's a bug of DPARSF with linux, all the images were smoothly process in WinXP.
Read these 3D EPI functional images. wait...
Read 3D EPI functional images: "/home/yun/fMRI/Rest/FunImgNormalizedDetrendedFiltered/Subject001".........................................
Calculate the rank of time series on voxel by voxelWarning: Conversion rounded non-integer floating point value to nearest uint16 value.
> In reho at 139
In DPARSF_run at 607