Dear Prof Yan,
Thank you for your response.
Mask filename = GroupMask90Percent
Voxels in mask = 54149
Gaussian filter width (FWHM, in mm) = [1.524, 1.389, 1.300]
Individual voxel threshold probability = 0.001
Number of Monte Carlo simulations = 1000
Cl Size Frequency Cum Prop p/Voxel Max Freq Alpha
1 52262 0.993933 0.000977 723 1.000000
2 310 0.999829 0.000012 268 0.277000
3 8 0.999981 0.000001 8 0.009000
4 1 1.000000 0.000000 1 0.001000
For alpha 0.05, I have 2 clusters, cluster size of 1 and 8. When I ran the cluster report for cluster size 1 and 8, Precentral Gyrus was identified, peak intensity of 140.2
3a) Can I check in terms of interpretation, cluster 3 (size of 8) corresponds to only precentral gyrus or does it mean that this cluster might also consist of other brain regions?
3b) With the cluster report, we get the peak intensity, can I kindly check how to we obtain the T-values (I ran 2-samples t-test previously)
3c) A related question is, how do I obtain a T-map which can be loaded onto MRIcron which will display T-values– right now, I only have the intensity values
Thank you.
YAN Chao-Gan
Wed, 09/02/2020 - 02:24
1. What kind of maps are you
1. What kind of maps are you using? I have never seen such small FWHM in real data.
2. If there is no results after TFCE correction, then there is no results. "TFCE + alphasim" is not a valid method.
3. Not valid methods.
4. You can run once by adding two ROIs.
Fri, 09/04/2020 - 14:40
alphasim t values
Dear Prof Yan,
Thank you.
I appreciate that it does not make sense to perform tfce+alphasim
If I were to just perform alphasim with no tfce, can I check the following:
1) Which .nii file from the 2 sample t-test should I load within DPABI viewer in order to perform alphasim. I chose T2_vox_tstat.nii.
2) This is the alpasim output I obtained from p 0.001
Mask filename = GroupMask90Percent
Voxels in mask = 54149
Gaussian filter width (FWHM, in mm) = [4.573, 4.167, 3.901]
Individual voxel threshold probability = 0.001
Number of Monte Carlo simulations = 1000
Cl Size Frequency Cum Prop p/Voxel Max Freq Alpha
1 44013 0.919082 0.000966 22 1.000000
2 3423 0.990561 0.000153 607 0.978000
3 381 0.998517 0.000027 303 0.371000
4 55 0.999666 0.000006 52 0.068000
5 15 0.999979 0.000001 15 0.016000
6 1 1.000000 0.000000 1 0.001000
Am I right to interpret this such that at alpha of 0.05, number of voxels is 15?
3) So if step 2 is correct and I ran cluster report with number of voxels as 15, I got this cluster report (only 1 cluster was found):
Number of voxels: 54136
Peak MNI coordinate: -54 18 27
Peak MNI coordinate region: // Left Cerebrum // Frontal Lobe // Inferior Frontal Gyrus // Gray Matter // brodmann area 9 // Frontal_Inf_Tri_L (aal)
Peak intensity: -4.5132
# voxels structure
54136 --TOTAL # VOXELS--
28634 White Matter
22869 Right Cerebrum
22720 Left Cerebrum
15854 Frontal Lobe
14157 Gray Matter
7323 Parietal Lobe
6989 Temporal Lobe
6958 Sub-Gyral
6553 Sub-lobar
4607 Occipital Lobe
4216 Limbic Lobe
3410 Cerebellum Posterior Lobe
3275 Middle Frontal Gyrus
3016 Extra-Nuclear
2692 Left Cerebellum
2644 Right Cerebellum
2359 Superior Frontal Gyrus
2219 Precuneus
2139 Superior Temporal Gyrus
2064 Middle Temporal Gyrus
2042 Medial Frontal Gyrus
2018 Precentral Gyrus
1946 Inferior Frontal Gyrus
1904 Cingulate Gyrus
1903 Cerebellum Anterior Lobe
1765 Postcentral Gyrus
1643 Inferior Parietal Lobule
1580 brodmann area 6
1419 Cuneus
1400 Culmen
1274 Frontal_Mid_R (aal)
1242 Declive
1205 Frontal_Mid_L (aal)
1157 Insula
1085 Temporal_Mid_L (aal)
1020 Cerebellar Tonsil
999 Middle Occipital Gyrus
995 Frontal_Sup_R (aal)
988 Lingual Gyrus
962 Postcentral_L (aal)
952 brodmann area 7
885 Parahippocampa Gyrus
862 Postcentral_R (aal)
862 Temporal_Mid_R (aal)
856 Inter-Hemispheric
845 Precentral_L (aal)
837 Precuneus_L (aal)
835 Precuneus_R (aal)
833 Occipital_Mid_L (aal)
830 Frontal_Sup_L (aal)
784 brodmann area 40
773 Anterior Cingulate
765 Precentral_R (aal)
739 Corpus Callosum
718 Left Brainstem
695 Cerebro-Spinal Fluid
679 Parietal_Inf_L (aal)
674 Fusiform Gyrus
671 Temporal_Sup_R (aal)
666 Right Brainstem
654 Lateral Ventricle
646 Frontal_Sup_Medial_L (aal)
639 brodmann area 19
638 Supp_Motor_Area_R (aal)
637 Midbrain
636 brodmann area 9
636 Pons
628 Temporal_Sup_L (aal)
621 Lentiform Nucleus
612 Frontal_Inf_Tri_L (aal)
606 brodmann area 18
595 Calcarine_L (aal)
595 Thalamus
593 Cingulum_Mid_R (aal)
583 Calcarine_R (aal)
583 Lingual_R (aal)
582 Posterior Cingulate
581 Supp_Motor_Area_L (aal)
558 brodmann area 10
554 Frontal_Sup_Medial_R (aal)
552 Cingulum_Mid_L (aal)
530 Cerebelum_Crus1_L (aal)
513 Fusiform_R (aal)
509 Lingual_L (aal)
502 Fusiform_L (aal)
492 Insula_R (aal)
486 Cerebelum_6_L (aal)
483 Cerebelum_6_R (aal)
482 Insula_L (aal)
475 Putamen
473 brodmann area 13
467 SupraMarginal_R (aal)
461 Paracentral Lobule
459 Frontal_Inf_Tri_R (aal)
458 Occipital_Mid_R (aal)
456 Cerebelum_Crus1_R (aal)
444 brodmann area 31
430 Parietal_Sup_L (aal)
423 brodmann area 8
420 Superior Parietal Lobule
416 brodmann area 32
412 Supramarginal Gyrus
396 Angular_R (aal)
394 Temporal_Inf_R (aal)
391 Frontal_Inf_Orb_L (aal)
386 Cingulum_Ant_L (aal)
374 brodmann area 21
368 Cingulum_Ant_R (aal)
365 Cerebelum_8_R (aal)
362 Cerebelum_8_L (aal)
357 Caudate
355 Cuneus_L (aal)
351 Cuneus_R (aal)
350 brodmann area 4
345 Occipital_Sup_R (aal)
343 Frontal_Inf_Oper_R (aal)
339 Rolandic_Oper_R (aal)
338 Cerebelum_4_5_L (aal)
338 SupraMarginal_L (aal)
335 Occipital_Sup_L (aal)
334 brodmann area 3
331 Parietal_Sup_R (aal)
329 Temporal_Inf_L (aal)
327 Paracentral_Lobule_L (aal)
322 brodmann area 24
321 Parietal_Inf_R (aal)
312 Pyramis
311 Frontal_Inf_Orb_R (aal)
303 Angular_L (aal)
301 brodmann area 22
295 Thalamus_L (aal)
294 Cerebelum_Crus2_L (aal)
290 Thalamus_R (aal)
285 Uvula
275 Inferior Semi-Lunar Lobule
275 Putamen_R (aal)
273 brodmann area 39
270 Hippocampus_R (aal)
268 Putamen_L (aal)
263 Caudate_L (aal)
262 Hippocampus_L (aal)
260 Caudate_R (aal)
259 Frontal_Inf_Oper_L (aal)
257 Occipital_Inf_L (aal)
252 brodmann area 47
252 brodmann area 37
248 Rolandic_Oper_L (aal)
242 Tuber
239 Temporal_Pole_Sup_L (aal)
238 Cerebelum_Crus2_R (aal)
231 Cerebelum_9_L (aal)
227 Cerebelum_4_5_R (aal)
224 Inferior Temporal Gyrus
220 brodmann area 38
216 Temporal_Pole_Sup_R (aal)
208 Cerebelum_9_R (aal)
198 Angular Gyrus
198 Paracentral_Lobule_R (aal)
190 ParaHippocampal_R (aal)
188 brodmann area 2
184 brodmann area 30
177 Transverse Temporal Gyrus
174 Occipital_Inf_R (aal)
171 brodmann area 5
171 Vermis_4_5 (aal)
169 Caudate Body
162 Inferior Occipital Gyrus
156 Caudate Head
152 ParaHippocampal_L (aal)
151 Frontal_Med_Orb_R (aal)
146 brodmann area 11
138 Claustrum
136 brodmann area 17
134 brodmann area 41
129 Frontal_Mid_Orb_L (aal)
129 Cingulum_Post_L (aal)
129 Temporal_Pole_Mid_R (aal)
126 Pulvinar
120 brodmann area 46
119 Frontal_Mid_Orb_R (aal)
118 brodmann area 20
117 brodmann area 44
114 Dentate
113 Cingulum_Post_R (aal)
111 Medulla
110 Vermis_6 (aal)
110 Frontal_Med_Orb_L (aal)
107 brodmann area 23
105 Lateral Globus Pallidus
94 brodmann area 45
90 Cerebelum_7b_L (aal)
84 Medial Dorsal Nucleus
82 Pallidum_L (aal)
79 Temporal_Pole_Mid_L (aal)
77 Amygdala
77 Pallidum_R (aal)
74 Ventral Lateral Nucleus
73 Hippocampus
68 Heschl_R (aal)
67 brodmann area 42
66 Vermis_8 (aal)
65 Heschl_L (aal)
64 Nodule
62 Vermis_3 (aal)
62 Frontal-Temporal Space
61 Uncus
60 Superior Occipital Gyrus
59 Amygdala_R (aal)
59 Amygdala_L (aal)
57 brodmann area 36
55 brodmann area 43
54 Cerebellar Lingual
50 Cerebelum_3_R (aal)
47 Cerebelum_7b_R (aal)
47 Frontal_Sup_Orb_L (aal)
47 Ventral Anterior Nucleus
47 Frontal_Sup_Orb_R (aal)
44 Vermis_7 (aal)
44 Vermis_9 (aal)
43 brodmann area 29
41 Cerebelum_3_L (aal)
40 brodmann area 28
39 brodmann area 34
38 brodmann area 1
37 Medial Globus Pallidus
36 brodmann area 35
32 Caudate Tail
30 Cerebelum_10_L (aal)
30 Subcallosal Gyrus
26 Mammillary Body
25 Vermis_10 (aal)
24 Declive of Vermis
24 Third Ventricle
22 Olfactory_L (aal)
22 Olfactory_R (aal)
22 Cerebelum_10_R (aal)
21 Fastigium
21 Red Nucleus
21 Substania Nigra
19 Vermis_1_2 (aal)
19 Ventral Posterior Lateral Nucleus
18 Culmen of Vermis
17 Rectus_R (aal)
14 Rectus_L (aal)
13 brodmann area 33
13 Fourth Ventricle
12 Subthalamic Nucleus
12 Lateral Posterior Nucleus
10 Optic Tract
10 Lateral Dorsal Nucleus
9 Ventral Posterior Medial Nucleus
9 brodmann area 27
8 Uvula of Vermis
6 Hypothalamus
5 brodmann area 25
5 Medial Geniculum Body
4 Tuber of Vermis
4 Pyramis of Vermis
3 Lateral Geniculum Body
2 Midline Nucleus
I interpret this to be that there is only one peak region of brodmann area 9 and that the MNI coordinates of -54 18 27 should be entered as my seed region for the next FC analysis? I am really stuck on how to identify seed regions based on the cluster report, with alphasim table indicating number of voxels of 15, can you kindly provide information/instructions please?
4) If I want to view the image of voxels post alphasim and clsuter report within DPABI viewer or MRIcron, how can I find this image as only cluster report and alphasim table is obtained post alphasim. I am hoping to do this to check which brain regions should I choose as my ROIs.
5) With the cluster report, we get the peak intensity, can I kindly check how to we obtain the T-values (I ran 2-samples t-test previously)
6) A related question is, how do I obtain a T-map which can be loaded onto MRIcron which will display T-values– right now, I only have the intensity values
7) If I were to do multiple regression within SPM, can I simply use each individuals’ zROIFCmap.nii for 2nd level analysis or will I have to do additional changes?
I know the questions are simple but I really want to understand the steps/program as I am quite stuck, thank you again.
YAN Chao-Gan
Fri, 09/11/2020 - 01:06
1.2.3. I am not sure which
1.2.3. I am not sure which stop you are wrong, but the results doesn't make sense. Please use GRF correction instead.
4. As thre results doesn't make sense, I suggest not to go further.
5. Peask intensity is t value.
6. Same as 5.
7. You can.
Fri, 09/18/2020 - 15:41
GRF cluster report
Thank you for your reply, I re-ran the analysis but obtained the same results for alphasim.
Number of voxels: 19
Peak MNI coordinate: -9 -99 15
Peak MNI coordinate region: // Left Cerebrum // Occipital Lobe // Cuneus // Gray Matter // brodmann area 18 // Occipital_Sup_L (aal)
Peak intensity: -4.2346
# voxels structure
19 Left Cerebrum
19 Occipital Lobe
14 Cuneus
11 Occipital_Sup_L (aal)
10 White Matter
9 brodmann area 18
9 Gray Matter
5 Middle Occipital Gyrus
5 Cuneus_L (aal)
3 Occipital_Mid_L (aal)
3a) What will you recommend to be the best way to identify region. I tried MRIcron but noticed that at times, when I enter the MNI coordinates, the brodman region can be different from that listed in the cluster report. Peak MNI coordinate region: // Left Cerebrum // Occipital Lobe // Cuneus // Gray Matter // brodmann area 18 // Occipital_Sup_L (aal) ------ should I be using particular aspects of this to report the region in my paper or should I be looking at the vertical list just above this question?
Thank you for your help.
YAN Chao-Gan
Mon, 09/28/2020 - 01:56
1. Yes.
1. Yes.
2. This is T threshold for voxel p threshold 0.001.
3. I think your regions is probably Occipital_Sup_L.