cannot extract measures from sample matrices

I have read the GraphVar manual - it's all very clear. I want to get used to simply calculating and exporting graph measures using the Conn Matrix files in the sample workspace.  I have loaded just two of the files (to make it quicker) and chosen to calculate measures on the weighted matrices. I chose to extract the Weighted: Strength (UND) values. When I try to do this it just locks the screen and doesn't show anything else (i.e. progress bars). I don't receive any error messages. I have tried on other weighted measures and experience the same thing. I'm sure I must be doing something very simple wrong. Can somebody advise?



Can anybody answer the query I posted below one week ago? I also neglected to mention that the error messages below are printed to
the matlab terminal.




Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.


Error in GraphVar_getDialogData>check_StructureName (line 339)

if isscalar(handles.vpNamesNeo{2})



Error in GraphVar_getDialogData (line 82)




Error in GraphVar_calc (line 29)

[returnVal,dialogData] = GraphVar_getDialogData(handles,1,noCorr);



Error in GraphVar_CalcExport_Callback (line 42)

[res allTasks] = GraphVar_calc(handles,1);



Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)



Error in GraphVar (line 40)

    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});



Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)GraphVar('GraphVar_CalcExport_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))

Error while evaluating UIControl Callback


From: RFMRI.ORG []
On Behalf Of The R-fMRI Network
Sent: 19 October 2017 14:58


Subject: [RFMRI] cannot extract measures from sample matrices


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By Liam (lnestor)

I have read the GraphVar manual - it's all very clear. I want to get used to simply calculating and exporting graph measures using the Conn Matrix files in the sample workspace.  I have loaded just two of the files (to make it quicker) and chosen to calculate
measures on the weighted matrices. I chose to extract the Weighted: Strength (UND) values. When I try to do this it just locks the screen and doesn't show anything else (i.e. progress bars). I don't receive any error messages. I have tried on other weighted
measures and experience the same thing. I'm sure I must be doing something very simple wrong. Can somebody advise?


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