FC results for NBS Connectome

Dear All,

Recently, I was using the dpabi to generate functional connectivity results and the mask I used is the Craddock's 200 clustering ROIs. Now I want to do some further connectomic analysis by using NBS sofware. As the NBS manual mentioned that "For resting-state functional MRI data, software packages such as DPARSF (http://www.nitrc.org/projects/dparsf/) provide a comprehensive data processing pipeline, extending from the preprocessing of the raw data outputted by the MRI scanner to the mapping of the connectivity matrices that are provided as input to the NBS. " It seems that the results like "ROICorrelation_sub094.txt" works well in the NBS but I still don't  have too much idea about which one is the  exact one NBS needed (the dpabi generated two result-subfolders named "ROISignals_FunImgARglobalCWF" and "ROISignals_FunImgARCWF", each one has the "ROICorrelation_sub094.txt" respectively). Could you please tell me which subfolder is the roi-wise result-subfolder cause that might be the exact input matrices ? Looking forward for your reply.

Best regards,


You should use ROICorrelation_FisherZ*.mat (.txt).

Usually, you should organize them into a folder or in a matrix.