T1 to Fun coregistration problem (Error using DPARSFA_run>(parfor body) (line 1477)

I just don't understand why DPARSFA stops at the coregistration step with this error:
Error using DPARSFA_run>(parfor body) (line 1477)
cp: /path/c*.nii: No such file or directory
Error in DPARSFA_run (line 1462)
    parfor i=1:AutoDataProcessParameter.SubjectNum
Error in DPARSFA>pushbuttonRun_Callback (line 1761)
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in DPARSFA (line 30)
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback
As I recall from previous analyses, the c*T1 file appears after the step is completed. What is the issue here?

I guess you have C*T1.nii for subject 1. But there should be a subject without C*T1.nii (not started with C*). 

oh, you mean the filename starting with "c" can cause it? my T1 indeed are called "CIS_....." 

I tried to rename it and indeed this step worked! Thanks so much, would have never thought of that...


I finished all
the preprocessing step for RAT resting state without any error message. 

when Im checking Quality control of my data  :

Im overlaying
 functional images on their structural image after co registration and normalization....its seems perfectly overlap

But  when Im overlapping my functional
and structural images  with template that is provided in the template folder thee are not perfectly overlap.

do you know what might be the error ? just to let you know that i have resize
my voxel by factor of 10 at the beginning 

Thank you
for your kind help 

Best wishes

From: RFMRI.ORG <rfmri.org-bounces@rnet.co> on behalf of The R-fMRI Network <rfmri.org@gmail.com>

Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 10:06:59 AM

To: rfmri.org@rnet.co

Subject: Re: [RFMRI] T1 to Fun coregistration problem (Error using DPARSFA_run&gt; (parfor body) (line 1477)


Hi Marouane,

Could you show a picture for the second checking?

Have you reoriented the images to approximate the template orientation?



Hi Chao-Gan,

Thank you for your replay, yes i did reorient my EPI and T1 very precisely as the template.

here is link with of one subject  (EPI ,T1 and QC for normalization). Note that i have skipped the slice timing and BET


Looking forward for you comment. Thank you 

Best wishes

From: RFMRI.ORG <rfmri.org-bounces@rnet.co> on behalf of The R-fMRI Network <rfmri.org@gmail.com>

Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 12:43 AM

To: rfmri.org@rnet.co

Subject: Re: [RFMRI] T1 to Fun coregistration problem (Error using DPARSFA_run&gt; (parfor body) (line 1477)


Hi Chao-Gan,

Thank you for your replay, yes i did reorient my EPI and T1 very precisely as the template.

here is link with of one subject  (EPI ,T1 and QC for normalization). Note that i have skipped the slice timing and BET


Looking forward for you comment. Thank you 

Best wishes




Just to add to my previous comment, 5 subject out of my 20,  the normalization was fine, but for 15 subjects the normalization failed. all my subject look the same orientation before running normalization....any comment will be appreciated

You are sure the problem occurs at T1 coregister to Fun?

If so, it might be caused the contrast of T1 and EPI images. You may need to try some other methods, e.g., FSL's BBR.