Hi all.
I'm kind of new in DPARSF and I'm having trouble doing normalization with T1 image unified segmentation. after reorienting the images. somehow dcm2nii is called, I have my nifti T1 images and I unchecked T1 dicom to nifti. here's my workspace:
Apply Reorient Mats to functional images for Subject002: OK
Apply Reorient Mats to functional images for Subject001: OK
Bet begin...
Chris Rorden's dcm2nii :: 1 April 2010
reading preferences file E:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\Analysis\DPABI_V1.3_150710\DPARSF_V3.2_150710\dcm2nii\dcm2nii.ini
0 E:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\Analysis\DPABI_V1.3_150710\DPARSF_V3.2_150710\dcm2nii\dcm2nii.exe ERROR: unable to find Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\Analysis\Pre Process DPARSF\RealignParameter\Subject008 E:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\Analysis\Pre Process DPARSF\RealignParameter\Subject008\Bet_meanNSEPILEPSY_NL0028_20100820_3681_005_Q_EPILEPSY_NEW1_4_fMRI_Rest_Open_006BeforeBet.img
Either drag and drop or specify command line options:
dcm2nii <options> <sourcenames>
-a Anonymize [remove identifying information]: Y,N = Y
-b load settings from specified inifile, e.g. '-b C:\set\t1.ini'
-c Collapse input folders: Y,N = N
-d Date in filename [filename.dcm -> 20061230122032.nii]: Y,N = Y
-e events (series/acq) in filename [filename.dcm -> s002a003.nii]: Y,N = Y
-f Source filename [e.g. filename.par -> filename.nii]: Y,N = N
-g gzip output, filename.nii.gz [ignored if '-n n']: Y,N = N
-i ID in filename [filename.dcm -> johndoe.nii]: Y,N = Y
-n output .nii file [if no, create .hdr/.img pair]: Y,N = N
-o Output Directory, e.g. 'C:\TEMP' (if unspecified, source directory is used)
-p Protocol in filename [filename.dcm -> TFE_T1.nii]: Y,N = Y
-r Reorient image to nearest orthogonal: Y,N
-s SPM2/Analyze not SPM5/NIfTI [ignored if '-n y']: Y,N = Y
-v Convert every image in the directory: Y,N = N
-x Reorient and crop 3D NIfTI images: Y,N = N
You can also set defaults by editing E:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\Analysis\DPABI_V1.3_150710\DPARSF_>>
YAN Chao-Gan
Fri, 09/18/2015 - 03:22