We are pleased to announce the release of DPABI V1.3 and DPARSF V3.2.
New features of DPABI_V1.3_150710 and DPARSF_V3.2_150710:
1. SPM12 Compatible.
2. DPARSF for Rat data released.
The Rat module is based on a Rat T2 template generated by Dr. Adam J. Schwarz et al. Please cite this paper when appropriate: Schwarz, A.J., Danckaert, A., Reese, T., Gozzi, A., Paxinos, G., Watson, C., Merlo-Pich, E.V., Bifone, A., 2006. A stereotaxic MRI template set for the rat brain with tissue class distribution maps and co-registered anatomical atlas: application to pharmacological MRI. Neuroimage 32, 538-550. (A T1 template was included as well. It's generated by normalizing 50 rats (two scans at PND45 or PND60) to that T2 template and then averaging (by Dr. Chao-Gan Yan)).
3. Fixed a bug in generating Voxel Specific Head Motion: missing gmdmp.
4. Fixed a bug in Group Analysis: when CovVolume is not defined.
5. Fixed a bug when calling BrainNet Viewer in DPABI_VIEW.
6. Fixed a bug in Standardization: ‘/‘ is not defined in Windows.
7. Fixed a bug in Image Calculator: output will be split as the input files when calculating group images.
P.S., there are open Assistant Investigator/Postdoc Fellow positions in the Laboratory of Functional Brain Imaging (LFBI), Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (the new base for DPABI/DPARSF), please visit
http://rfmri.org/YanOpenPositions for more details.
Johann Kruschwitz
Fri, 07/10/2015 - 19:18
Hey Chao-Gan!
I highly congratulate to this new and wonderful version of DPABI! Thanks for developing!