3. 对左西年老师的一篇文章有不解之处:
Title: Decreased interhemispheric coordination in schizophrenia: A resting state fMRI study
In order to determine whether deficits in VMHC could be attributed to abnormalities in RSFC in one hemisphere or the other, we performed separate GLMs on the residualized time series data in
nonsymmetric MNI space, with global VMHC and FD as covariates. Seeds (spheres with 4 mm radius) for these analyses were generated based on each local maximum and its homotopic homolog. These were thresholded at p=.05 (corrected for Gaussian Random Fields). To visualize these results, for each seed pair, we computed the right–left asymmetry in positive FC in the group difference region (see Fig. 2). These analyses showed that both hemispheres were involved in the observed effects.
1. 如您所料,我的体素为90,改为45后就好了;
2. 我的假设是,结构的侧化可能会影响功能的侧化,所以想在对比两组的功能侧化VMHC时,将结构的侧化(Compute as the left-right difference in GM volume)做为一个covariate,所以需要计算每个受试者VMHM图,“Reduced Interhemispheric Resting State Functional Connectivity in Cocaine Addiction”一文是这么算的:VMHM=1-I左侧的GM-右侧的GMI/左侧的GM+右侧的GM。想请问下,VMHM的计算是否可以在REST上实现,或者可以调动一个小程序?
3. 好的,真心感谢!!
YAN Chao-Gan
Mon, 10/08/2012 - 15:51
Re: Questions about the lateralization analysis
1. 看一下这个代码:Data(1:31,:,:)=0;
2. 这个idea很好!!!只需要把所有被试的灰质体积整理成一个被试的样子就可以。
Fri, 10/12/2012 - 15:17
Re: Questions about the lateralization analysis
1. 利用以下代码,对对称的mask“'35 subjects GM_Sym mask”制作其单侧为mask,输出为“Sym”,但生成的图像包含了全脑约2/3,而非一半,望分析下原因。
[Data Vox Head]=rest_readfile('35 subjects GM_Sym mask.nii');
2. 我事实上是想在VMHC分析中,把VMHM作为covariate,每个subject制作一个VMHM map,这里不明白您说的所有被试整理成一个样子是什么意思?可否在DPARSFA中,直接输入mwco*的GM map,利用VMHC模块得出VMHM?
3. 对左西年老师的一篇文章有不解之处:
Title: Decreased interhemispheric coordination in schizophrenia: A resting state fMRI study
In order to determine whether deficits in VMHC could be attributed to abnormalities in RSFC in one hemisphere or the other, we performed separate GLMs on the residualized time series data in
nonsymmetric MNI space, with global VMHC and FD as covariates. Seeds (spheres with 4 mm radius) for these analyses were generated based on each local maximum and its homotopic homolog. These were thresholded at p=.05 (corrected for Gaussian Random Fields). To visualize these results, for each seed pair, we computed the right–left asymmetry in positive FC in the group difference region (see Fig. 2). These analyses showed that both hemispheres were involved in the observed effects.
根据这一步的结果图,我猜测可能是以VMHC异常区域为种子点,分别计算左右侧种子点与全脑其他区域的FC,然后对左右侧做一个paired t-test,观察是否有侧化效应,但感觉这样做意义很模糊,或者是否我理解错了,想看看您的看法。
YAN Chao-Gan
Sun, 10/21/2012 - 02:18
Re: Questions about the lateralization analysis
1. 你看一下你的图像,x方向有多少个体素?31是针对61个体素(61*73*61)的情况。
2. 不太明白你想做什么。用GM是不可以得到每个被试的GM VMHC图,只能在组上做一个分析,得到组的VMHC图。
3. 我再仔细看一下。
Sun, 10/21/2012 - 10:18
Re: Questions about the lateralization analysis
1. 如您所料,我的体素为90,改为45后就好了;
2. 我的假设是,结构的侧化可能会影响功能的侧化,所以想在对比两组的功能侧化VMHC时,将结构的侧化(Compute as the left-right difference in GM volume)做为一个covariate,所以需要计算每个受试者VMHM图,“Reduced Interhemispheric Resting State Functional Connectivity in Cocaine Addiction”一文是这么算的:VMHM=1-I左侧的GM-右侧的GMI/左侧的GM+右侧的GM。想请问下,VMHM的计算是否可以在REST上实现,或者可以调动一个小程序?
3. 好的,真心感谢!!
YAN Chao-Gan
Mon, 10/22/2012 - 17:40
Re: Questions about the lateralization analysis