Rest slice viewer

我原来用rest一直都挺好,可最近换了个电脑,用rest看图像时(slice viewer)overlay时总报错,报错信息如下:

REST Version: 1.7, Release: 20120101
??? Undefined function or method 'imresize_old' for input arguments of type 'double'.

Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer>AddOverlay at 2914
                        theOverlay =imresize_old(theOverlay, floor([(size(theOverlay, 1)-1)*Xvol+1, (size(theOverlay, 2)-1)*Xvol+1]*theMagnifyCoefficient));

Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer>SetView_Orthogonal at 1471
        theSagittalImg =AddOverlay('Sagittal' ,AConfig, theSagittalImg,theMagnifyCoefficient);

Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer>SetImage at 1387
        Result =SetView_Orthogonal(AConfig);

Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer at 453
                REST_SliceViewer_Cfg.Config(theCardinal) =SetImage(REST_SliceViewer_Cfg.Config(theCardinal));

Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer at 527
                rest_sliceviewer('ChangeOverlay', AFigHandle);
??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback



我用的是matlab R2009a

REST slice viewer需要安装Image processing toolbox的。


I got the following error when trying to load the overlay a T map generated with the 2 sample T test function.
Do you have any suggestions on how to fix it? I am using Matlab 2011b with the Image Processing and Statistics toolboxes.
Thank you.

Undefined function 'imresize' for input arguments of type 'double'.

Error in rest_sliceviewer>AddOverlay (line 2924)
theOverlay =imresize(theOverlay, floor([(size(theOverlay, 1)-1)*Xvol+1,
(size(theOverlay, 2)-1)*Xvol+1]*theMagnifyCoefficient));

Error in rest_sliceviewer>SetView_Orthogonal (line 1471)
theSagittalImg =AddOverlay('Sagittal' ,AConfig, theSagittalImg,theMagnifyCoefficient);

Error in rest_sliceviewer>SetImage (line 1387)
Result =SetView_Orthogonal(AConfig);

Error in rest_sliceviewer (line 453)

Error in rest_sliceviewer (line 527)
rest_sliceviewer('ChangeOverlay', AFigHandle);

Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback

Hi, what's the version of REST?

Version 1.7. But I get the same errors with 1.8 as well.
Thank you.

It is version 1.7. I tried with 1.8 as well and I get the same errors.
Thank you.

Please type in:
which imresize.m


which imresize_old.m

to see why MATLAB can not find these functions.

Thank you. I decided to switch to an earlier Matlab version (2007b). It seems it works now.