Different slice number for multi-sessions, can DPARSFA run such analysis

Hello, I have a multi session fMRI, however, the slice number in each sessoin is different, can DparsfA still run such analysis,

I notice that I need to specifiy the slice number in the first step, If I use the FunImg slice number, each time when finish a step (e.g. Normalize), DPARSFa report errors for other sessions that have different slice number. Does it mean that I cannnot use DPARSFa if my slice numbers are not the same or I can just ignore those error messages and continue???

Thanks a lot...



You can find this new feature in DPARSF V2.2.

If SliceNumber is set to 0, then retrieve the slice number from the NIfTI images. The slice order is then assumed as interleaved scanning: [1:2:SliceNumber,2:2:SliceNumber]. The reference slice is set to the slice acquired at the middle time point, i.e., ceil(SliceNumber/2). SHOULD BE EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS!!!

Many thanks. Actually, I do not do slice timing. If the time point is set to 0, then DPARSFa report error and would let me to proceed.
I now change the time point to the time point in session 1 and the program runs. It reports errors after finishing analysis for sessions that have different time point. I am not sure whether that affects the analysis/results.

DPARSFA V2.2 will allow you set number of time points at 0.
The previous version wil not allow.