DPARSF ROI-wise connectivity

Hi, I am trying to run FC on my data, and what I am interested in is ROI-wise correlations, rather than full brain values for each ROI. I see DPARSF generated one image per ROI (which I understand to be the correlation of each voxel with the timecourse of that ROI, as well as the z-transform of the correlation) Is there a way for DPARSF to output a matrix with the FC between all the ROIs I selected, or is the best way to do it to take the ROI_ROIFCMap.txt files for each ROI and correlate those? (these files are the preprocessed average timecourse for each ROI, correct?)

thank you



When you perform FC using DPARSF, you can see from the parameter setting window that there are two options: one is ROI-wise correlation, which does exactly what you want to do; and the other is voxel-wise correlation, which will produce an FC map for a ROI.

Hope it helps.

Hi Han,

thank you for the answer, but that is not quite what I see..
When I click on functional connectivity, and then click on the DEFINE ROI button all I see is a menu to input the ROIs, and in that I load in all my pre-defined masks. I don't see anywhere a button saying ROI-WISE or Voxel-wise. I did download the latest version though.

How do I find that button?



Hi Martin,

You can try REST toolkit.
For detailed instructions please find the course on top of the website (Course menu).
In 'Data_Process_of_Rest_fMRI_Part1' you will see how to do.

Thank you Han. Just to clarify, you are saying I cannot do ROI-wise FC with DPARSF but need to do it with REST?

I will give it a shot - thank you for the support!


PS: I should say that overall the suite is working very well with my data.. :)

You're correct. Just check it in REST.
Hope it works well.



I just checked the "extract ROi timecourse" option and it worked like a charm (i.e., it writes exactly the ROI-wise correlation matrix I was looking for).

thank you!


Hi Martin!

You can find ROI-wise and Voxel-wise in REST.

For DPARSF, if you just check "Functional Connectivity", you can only get voxel-wixe FC map for each of your ROI.

However, if you want to get ROI-wise Functional Connectivity between your ROIs, you need to check "Extract ROI Time Courses" also. DPARSF will extract the ROI time courses for you and get the ROI-wise Functional Connectivity automatically for you. I think I have emphasized this part in the Video Course. I will update the English version of Video Course in soon since the English version is really ancient.