problem with non-integer TR value

Hi, I am running DPARSF, I have a dataset with a TR of 2.46, and even though that's the number I specify on the interface, when it runs it seems to think that the TR is 2.5 (as printed on the matlab interface).

Can this be adjusted for? I just wouldn't want the difference to affect ALFF etc

thank you



Hi Martin,
Can you make sure that you have typed the right and correct slice number into DPARSF?
Please double-check it. Because if you made a mistake on other slice timing parameters (such as slice number ... ), the TR value matlab printed maybe in a wrong number.

If you are not quite sure about the TR value your image has, please check it using MRIcron.

Hope it helps.

Han Zhang

Dear Han,

thank you for the answer. Yes all the information I have input in the interface is correct (ie., number of slices, total volumes and TR length). Is it possible that DPARSF is approximating to the first decimal place?



Dear Martin,
I further checked the script, and found you are right.
DPARSF or SPM only reported the first decimal.
But this is just the reported value that shown to you, you can just ignore this information.

ok, great, thank you!
