I am doing a seed region analysis for the entire n-back acquisition in two groups of subjects. I intend to finally compare the groups for differences.
1. Each subject had 2 sessions of n-back runs. I am able to get the seed region based FC maps and Z maps for each session separately. But how can I get a single contrast file from the 2 sessions for each subject?
2. Also - when I view the FC z maps as overlays on mricron I see regions outside the brain template (Ch2). Is this because of differences in voxel size (3x3x3 for FC)/ or is it because I did not use any mask while preprocessing?
Many thanks in advance,
YAN Chao-Gan
Sun, 10/16/2011 - 22:36
1. Use the mean of the two sessions?
2. I guess it is caused by no mask in preprocessing.