
1、我查看了REST里面的ALFF源程序,计算能量谱 = 2 * 频谱的平方 / N,请问这里为什么要除以N?

2、左西年老师的文章《The oscillating brain: Complex and reliable》中Fig1和公式(1)提到ALFF是Sum of amplitudes of PSD,而源程序里ALFF貌似是Mean of amplitudes of PSD,应该以哪个为准?


Both issues are somewhat related to constant-scaled ALFF. It should not matter the whole brain map (particularly the normalized version), NO?

I agree with Dr. Zuo.

By the way, I post the following email here in case your are intrerested.

Dear Zhiguo,

If you want to calculate the amplitude by using MATLAB's fft, you need to use 2*abs(fft(x))/N, because MATLAB does not scale the output of fft by the length of the input.

Here, we used 2*abs(fft(x))^2/N to calculate the power spectrum, the result is the same as matlab's PSD program, however, it's N times the results of matlab's periodogram program.

In our program, the ALFF calculated by sqrt(2*abs(fft(x))^2/N) is sqrt(2/N) times of the real amplitude.

In fALFF program, the factor sqrt(2/N) will be removed because fALFF is ALFF(interested)/ALFF(total).

In ALFF program, the ALFF normalized by the global mean (i.e., mALFF) is mostly used, then the factor sqrt(2/N) will be also removed.

As Xiao-Wei said, he wrote the original codes with some history reasons. I did not revised this part and I think the factor sqrt(2/N) have not so bad influence (in most cases, it will be removed). I will talk to Professor Zang about this issue to check if we need to revise this part in the future.

Best wishes!


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