Dear REST team
I am trying to use REST on animal data. Before starting a large study I would like to make sure that there is indeed functional connectivity in my data.
I would like to start with one animal that was scanned three times with different levels of anesthesia. He had 5 contiguous slices x 300 time points with TR 2.5.
1. When I open the REST 1.5, in the input parameters window, should I have one file " .hdr/img of 5 slices and 300 time points" or 300 "files with the 5 slices" ?
2. I created a folder named EPI to put the hdr and img in. When I run "DO all" it created a folder epi_filtered. What does it correspond to ?
3. How would you analyze whether there is a difference between each session on the same animal: first compared to second, second compared to third and first compared to third ?
4. covariate. I used the .txt file created by spm 8 for realigning and reslicing to which I added the 4D trace of a voxel in the CSF , is that correct ?
5. How do I visualize the results.
Thank you very much for your help.
YAN Chao-Gan
Tue, 04/19/2011 - 17:22
1. You need to put the 300 imd/hdr files (5 slices each) in a directory. You do not need to specify a text file with ".hdr/img of 5 slices and 300 time points". REST will detect this information automatically.
2. epi_filtered means files after filtering. You have checked the Band Pass filter check box.
3. You can perform repeated measured ANOVA in SPM and see what effect your are interested in.
4. Yes.
5. You can use REST Slice Viewer or MRIcroN.
Best wishes!
Wed, 04/20/2011 - 06:54
Thank you very much for your help