Dear REST team,
I downloaded REST to conduct voxel-wise connectivity using a seed ROI - I have watched the multimedia presentations and tried to follow the instructions. So far, I have managed to filter and detrend my funtional data and have extracted the nuisance covariates. However, I'm having problems regressing out these nuisance covariates. For this I use utilities in REST and specify the covariable text file. As I have different numbers of covariates for each subject, I've tried to do this individually. This builds the 3D+ time dataset in 6 mins, but then will not do the calculation. I keep getting the same error messages in the Matlab command window (which I've pasted below). I tried downloading the latest version of REST & also tried changing the memory capacity of my PC, but this didn't work either. So, I'm wondering what I might be doing wrong?
Many thanks,
> In nifti.subsref>rec at 219
In nifti.subsref at 45
In rest_spm_vol_nifti at 19
In rest_spm_vol>subfunc at 139
In rest_spm_vol>subfunc1 at 87
In rest_spm_vol>subfunc2 at 73
In rest_spm_vol at 57
In rest at 63
Read 3D EPI functional images: "S:\EXPT\FMR\fmri51\analyses\REST\FunImgNormalizedSmoothedDetrendedFiltered\fmri51_02_detrend_filtered"..............................................................................................................................................................................................
??? Error using ==> double
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
Error in ==> rest_RegressOutCovariates at 19
Error in ==> rest_RegressOutCovariates_gui>Run_Callback at 238
rest_RegressOutCovariates(handles.Cfg.DataDirs{x, 1},Subject_Covariables,thePrefix,handles.Cfg.MaskFile);
Error in ==> gui_mainfcn at 95
Error in ==> rest_RegressOutCovariates_gui at 26
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
??? Error using ==> rest_RegressOutCovariates_gui('Run_Callback',gcbo,[],guidata(gcbo))
Error using ==> double
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
YAN Chao-Gan
Sun, 05/09/2010 - 15:06
What's your operating system? Windows 7 32bit?
Have you turned on the 3GB switch?
Please see for more details.
Best wishes!
Tue, 05/11/2010 - 18:44
Many thanks for your suggestion - I will certainly try this - thanks, Marianne