
大家好!我又有问题了。按照多媒体教材的步骤,我做到单样本检验,目前都没有问题。现在我把一个病人和一个健康人建好Mask,做双样本检验,在estimate这一步总是显示no sign voxel,result就显示不出结果。还有如果我要比较10个病人和10个健康人群前额叶局部一致性,低频振幅的差别怎么做呢,还是双样本检验吗?好像双样本的Mask只能由一个病人和一个健康对照的做出来。


Hi! Please re-check the course.  I think I did not tell to create the MASK from just one patient and one control, but from one sample t tests.
I suggest you perform two sample t test within the brain mask, maybe you can get what you want.
Best wishes!