I ran preprocessing without filter with no mask, but on the fALFF step I used the BrainMask_05_61x73x61.img after resampling it to one of my Detrended subject images.
Read 3D EPI functional images: "/home/kaitlin/data/univariate_masking/FunImgNormalizedSmoothedDetrended/spm_2012Sep28.ps".??? Undefined function or variable "VoxelSize".
Error in ==> rest_to4d at 74
VoxelSize = VoxelSize';
Error in ==> f_alff at 34
[AllVolume,vsize,theImgFileList, Header] =rest_to4d(ADataDir);
Error in ==> DPARSF_run at 1127
f_alff( [AutoDataProcessParameter.DataProcessDir,filesep,FunImgDir,filesep,AutoDataProcessParameter.SubjectID{i}], ...
Error in ==> DPARSF>pushbuttonRun_Callback at 976
Error in ==> gui_mainfcn at 95
Error in ==> DPARSF at 43
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
??? Error using ==> DPARSF('pushbuttonRun_Callback',gcbo,[],guidata(gcbo))
Undefined function or variable "VoxelSize".
??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
Thank you,
YAN Chao-Gan
Mon, 10/08/2012 - 15:48
Re: error when running fALFF preprocessing
Please move spm_2012Sep28.ps to somewhere else. Or it will be considered as a SUBJECT.