GCA bivariate problem with normalisation of y to x maps

Dear Chao-Gan et al.,

I am running voxelwise bivariate GCA from the GUI. Unfortunately only the x to y maps are getting z transformed, not the y to x maps. Can you suggest a solution? I have a load of y to x maps that I want to normalise using the mean within the mask.

Thank you


Hi, Zhen-Xiang, could you have a look on this issue?


Hi, Lena,
I noticed the bug of the GUI. I'm sorry for the undetected bug. We are fixing it now!

hi, zhenxiang

can you update your github so that we can pull your branch?

Hi Lena,

Thanks to Zhen-Xiang's work, the error should be fixed. Could you re-download it and have a test?

Thanks a lot for your test.
