提示语是 "Error using>test_readniftiimage Meet error while reading the data",请问我该如何处理,是什么问题?谢谢!
Why need you convert your data to ANALYZE format?
And please give more details of your problem. Still, I strongly recommend you download the multimedia course, this will keep you out of many unnecessary errors.
Thanks for your help. I once downloaded a file named rest_manual_20080225_cn.PDF. I learned that SPM5 format should be changed to Analyze format if you want to apply the data to rest software. Yesterday,I tried again and used SPM5 format, that's OK. You see, I should downloaded new edition of the rest manual text.
YAN Chao-Gan
Wed, 07/22/2009 - 11:56
Why need you convert your data to ANALYZE format?
And please give more details of your problem.
Still, I strongly recommend you download the multimedia course, this will keep you out of many unnecessary errors.
Sun, 07/26/2009 - 08:46
Thanks for your help. I once downloaded a file named rest_manual_20080225_cn.PDF. I learned that SPM5 format should be changed to Analyze format if you want to apply the data to rest software. Yesterday,I tried again and used SPM5 format, that's OK. You see, I should downloaded new edition of the rest manual text.