Voxel time courses


I'm a masters student in biomedical engineering. I'm working on my diploma thesis 'Analysis of RS-fMRI data'.
I have 200 .hdr/.img file pairs per person which carried out pre-processing using SPM. 
How can I extract voxel time courses from the fMRI time series in Matlab?  


Hello Eteri!
As your data are RS-fMRI Images, I sincerely recommend you to use DPARSFA processing your data. DPARSFA is powerful and easy to use. 
You can easily use DPARSFA user interface to extract time courses.
Or if you have already installed DPARSFA, you can use commend y_Read to load .nii/. hdr Images as 4D matrix. Time courses are the 4th dimension.
Bin Lu


Thank you for your answer. I'll try DPARSFA.

Best regards


Hello Eteri!As your data are RS-fMRI Images, I sincerely recommend you to use DPARSFA processing your data. DPARSFA is powerful and easy to use.
You can easily use DPARSFA user interface to extract time courses.
Or if you have already installed DPARSFA, you can use commend y_Read to load .nii/. hdr Images as 4D matrix. Time courses are the 4th dimension.

Bin Lu