VMHC computing error and functional connectivity / ReHo results

Dear Experts,

I have two questions. The first one is regarding the results of functional connectivity analysis and ReHo.

I calculated the fc matrix between the DMN nodes using the provided atlas which resulted in 2 sets of results in the ROISignals_FunImgARCWSF  directory. One is FisherZ the other is plain ROICorrelation matrix. I'd like to feed the results to SPSS to use in statistical evaluations including other variables. Which one should I use, I guess FischerZ would mean Z-scores, but I do not know where those z values are calculated from, so I can not decide which one to use. The same goes to the reho maps where I have plain reho maps, mreho maps and z rehomaps and don't know what those maps represent.


The other issue is an error that I get if I try to calculate VMHC.  I'm using Matlab 2019b under linux mint with spm12 and DPARFS A . 

The error is the following:


VMHC computing.

Normalize to symmetric group T1 mean Template:Sub_003 OK
Moving Normalized Files:Sub_001 OKMoving Normalized Files:Sub_002 OKMoving Normalized Files:Sub_003 OK

Computing VMHC...
Reading images from "/home/kutato/EVALUATION/DPABI/FunImgARCWSFsym/Sub_001/sym_Filtered_4DVolume.nii" etc.
Error using y_VMHC (line 75)
To RESHAPE the number of elements must not change.

Error in DPARSFA_run (line 4583)
        parfor i=1:AutoDataProcessParameter.SubjectNum

Error in DPARSFA>pushbuttonRun_Callback (line 1845)

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)

1. FischerZ. Google Fisher's r to z. z ReHo as well, see z-standardization.Yan, C.G., Craddock, R.C., Zuo, X.N., Zang, Y.F., Milham, M.P. (2013). Standardizing the intrinsic brain: towards robust measurement of inter-individual variation in 1000 functional connectomes. Neuroimage, 80, 246-262, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.081.

2. Not sure, could you run smoothly with the demo data? http://rfmri.org/demodata

Dear Chao-Gan,


Thank you for the clarification.


As for the #2 I'm running the evaluation at the moment.


Two more questions if I may. I've watched all the tutorial videos, but haven't seen where can I input my own design and contrast files generated by FSL's GLM. I'm analyzing my results with the Statistical analysis option in DPABI, but haven't find a way to input my own design. 

Is there a quick way to regress out the 6 basic motion parameters from the data? I'mean along with the other nuisance regressors? Or is the inclusion of MeanFD Jenkinson as a covariate is enough during the statistical analysis?


Thank you for your answers.

Best regards,





You can not feed FSL matrix directly to here. Mean FD Jenkinson is better than inputting six.