REHO and RSN networks (masking)

Dear all, 


I was considering about the possibility of perform a REHO analysis inside different masks (RSN masks, like DMN) 

For example, in the step default mask/No mask/ user mask.  introduce the DMN mask and then run a REHO analysis. Will I obtain the activation inside this mask only?

It has sense? or I'm double dipping the data! 

Thank you so much!


You can set up a mask when calculating ReHo.

However, this will not include any new information compared within the brain mask. Instead, for the voxels close to the edge (GM WM boundary), ReHo will be calculated based on less voxels. (ReHo was based on a mixture of GM and WM voxels the other way).



Dear Yan,

Thanks for your reply, 

In that cause, without applying masks when calculating REHO,

 1. Can I extract the time series of the mReho values for an specific roi or mask?

 2. The resulting values from the time series, can be regressed directly to a questionnaire? Or do you recommend any further transformation?


Thank you so much!




1. Yes, you can. DPABI->Utilities->ROI Signal Extractor

2. You can use DPABI->Statistical Analysis and select correlation analysis. You can perform on the m or z transformed data.

