One Sample t Test

I am trying to do a one sample t-test using SPM. I load my mALFF - 1 map as scans and use the Rest Brain mask as the explicit mask. but when I run the batch I get this error: 

Running 'Factorial design specification'

Failed  'Factorial design specification'
Attempted to access Nlevels(2); index out of bounds because numel(Nlevels)=1.
In file "E:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\spm8\spm_get_vc.m" (v3468), function "spm_get_vc" at line 69.
In file "E:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\spm8\config\spm_run_factorial_design.m" (v4537), function "spm_run_factorial_design" at line 551.
The following modules did not run:
Failed: Factorial design specification
I can not figure out what is the problem


I think there might be something wrong with your model specifications.

You can try DPABI->Statistical Analysis->One Sample T Test to see if it remains.

