Issue about data preprocessing

I'm a rooky and want get help for a basic problem. 

There are many ways to process the data preprocessing, which makes me a bit confused. Please help me check if my process is correct.

For Reho, the sequence is Slice Timing-Realign-reorient Fun-filter-normalize by epi-nuisance covariates regression-reho-smooth reho.

For alff and falff, the sequence is Slice Timing-Realign-reorient Fun-smooth-normalize by epi-nuisance covariates regression-alff+falff.


For Reho, the sequence is Slice Timing-Realign-reorient Fun-normalize by epi-nuisance covariates regression-filter-reho-smooth reho.

For alff and falff, the sequence is Slice Timing-Realign-reorient Fun-normalize by epi-nuisance covariates regression-smooth-alff+falff.

Appreciate for your reply!

Is this appropriate to advance nuisance covariates regression between new segment+dartel and normalized by datel and keep the rest part the same for the subject with T1 image?

That's OK.