How to arrange img files after doing DICOM by SPM ?

I got img file after doing DICOM by spm (480 function img files,2 structure img files). then use DPARSF advanced version.

I got the an errors by specifying the starting directory ((FunImg): "Please arrange each subject's DICOM images in one directory and put them in FunRaw directory under the working directory".

file arrangement:  G2--FunImg--sub_01/sub_02  each subfolder include 480 img files,

G2--T1Img--sub_01/sub_02  each subfolder include 2 img files.

So I try to change starting directory ((FunImg) to FunRaw. but it shows busy state all the time and no error report.

1. Can I use DPARSF to analyse img file from spm? and How to arrange img files after doing DICOM by spm? the way, when i choose ReHo and ALFF, fALFF in DPARSF, if it calculate ReHo without smooth  and calculate ReHo with smooth automatically. I mean i don't need to repeat steps to calculate ReHo without smooth seperately.



1. You can use the images converted by SPM. Just check off "EPI DICOM to NIfTI".

2. You can calculate ALFF/fALFF first, and then select the parameter set of "Calculate ReHo and DC only (Smooth later)".



Thanks, I check off "EPI DICOM to NIfTI" by specifying the starting directory "FunRaw".

I got an error that no co* T1 img is found. I check working directory and find a  new folder "T1Img" without file. But "T1Raw" has a new file "fs038-0004-00001-000176-01.nii".

1. How to get co*T1 img file?

2.should I also check off "T1 DICOM to NIfTI"?


Seems there is something wrong with your file arrangement. I will suggest you to go over again.

If you have .nii files, make sure the structure as follows:






No other files are needed.



thanks,that problem has been solved.

This is the result of two sample T test (G1 6 subjects, G2 3 subjects). In the image, the active area is out of the brain tissue. How to solve this problem?

You can apply a brain mask when performing two sample t test.

