Dear Prof. Johann,
Graphvar is a nice software and I learn to use graphvar based on matlab 2014b for 64 bit. When i do the the network based statistics to identify a graph component that relates to age, hit the "NBS" button as stated in the tutorial, the network inspector window open,but no results were produced after applying 0.01 alpha. and if i press the button of brainne or export or export p, an error appeared. could you help solve this problem? it is shown below:
Error using ==
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in Results_btn_network_Callback>openBrainNet (line 203)
brainIdx = find(handles.networkData.or1 == drawArg2(selectedNetworkID));
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback
Error using ==
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in Results_btn_network_Callback>exportPAJ_Callback (line 193)
brainIdx = find(handles.networkData.or1 == drawArg2(selectedNetworkID));
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback
Error using ==
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in Results_btn_network_Callback>exportNetwork_Callback (line 235)
brainIdx = find(handles.networkData.or1 == drawArg2(selectedNetworkID));
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback
Best wishes
Johann Kruschwitz
Thu, 06/04/2015 - 07:50
sorry for the delay (I am traveling right now with limited internet access).
This error occurs as no network is displayed in the network inspector. This is probably the case as you did not select any network to be displayed I belief. Please do the following:
1. press the button NBS (in the results viewer)
2. put in the desired alpha level (e.g. 0.01 as in the tutorial)
3. use your mouse to click on the network of size 12 (in the "Size of Network" column)
4. the network should be displayed now ... if you now press e.g. the export button or the BrainNetViewer button everything should work (for BrainnetViewer you will have to download the software separately and add it to your path.
Hope this helps!
Thu, 06/04/2015 - 14:37
Dear Johann,
Dear Johann,
I have done according to your 4 steps, however, the same error was reported sitll. I remembered that i have changed the script "Results_btn_network_Callback" in GraphVar_beta_v_06\src\gui\Results and change the statement in line 369 "matrix_size = size(data)" to "matrix_size = length(data)". Is the error related with this? what should i do now? looking forward to your answer.
best wishes