with GSR and without GSR

Dear DPARSFA experts,

Recently, I updated the DPARSF to the latest verison because of the new feture of GSR. In the analyis, I clicked the button "both with and without GSR". However, there is only one type of data after nuisance covariates regression. According to my understanding, there should be two types of data: one with GSR and another without GSR, and the results should have two. Furthermore, I did not know the results whether regress with global signal. Is anything wrong with my setting? Could you help me on this problem? Your repsonses will be appreciated. 




You should have something like this.

FunImgARglobal is the same directory as FunImgAR.

FunImgARC: nuisance regression without global signal (No GSR)

FunImgARglobalC: nuisance regression with global signal (With GSR).



If I select

-  'White matter' and 'CSF' regression with Method 'CompCor' AND

- 'Both with & without GSR' 

no GSR is done. There is no '...globalC...'-subdirectory with results of GSR.

Is that intentionally or a bug ?

Maybe CompCor nusiance regression together with Global signal regression makes no sense ? I have not yet found information on that. 

Best thanks for advice !



There should be *globalC. Are you using linux?

Hi Yan Chao-Gan

There is no *globalC. I'm using Matlab 2014b, dpabi 4.1, DPARSFA Advanced edition under Linux Ubuntu on a 16-processor machine.

Bests HR


It should be, but only if there is no single error since you clicked run button on the DPARSFA GUI.

Thamk you so much