Failed 'Coregister: Estimate' Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

Dear Chaogan 

I am a new user of the toolbox. When I try to run the code, I got the following error during coregistering. Could you help me out. I have double check the original files in FunImg (3D hdr nii images) and T1Img. By the way, I am Mac system user. 

Thanks for your time. 



============================== here is the error information ================================

Failed  'Coregister: Estimate'
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
In file "/Users/Kissalladin/Software/DPABI_V4.1_190725/StatisticalAnalysis/palm-alpha112/fileio/@nifti/nifti.m" (v7147), function "nifti" at line 59.
In file "/Users/Kissalladin/Software/spm12/spm_select.m" (v6530), function "spm_select_get_nbframes" at line 268.
In file "/Users/Kissalladin/Software/spm12/spm_select.m" (v6530), function "spm_select_expand" at line 254.
In file "/Users/Kissalladin/Software/spm12/spm_select.m" (v6530), function "spm_select" at line 130.
In file "/Users/Kissalladin/Software/spm12/config/spm_run_coreg.m" (v5956), function "spm_run_coreg" at line 17.
The following modules did not run:
Failed: Coregister: Estimate
Error using DPARSFA_run (line 1620)
Job execution failed. The full log of this run can be found in MATLAB command window,
starting with the lines (look for the line showing the exact #job as displayed in this
error message)
Running job #1
Error in DPARSFA>pushbuttonRun_Callback (line 1795)
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in DPARSFA (line 30)
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback


You need to paste more information here.

Seems something wrong with your image file.