Error while doing GRF and FDR. Weird results with AlphaSim

Hi dpabi developers,

I got an error while doing multiple comparison correction for a Correlation Analysis in dpabi. First, I tried to compute AlphaSim Correction, but in the results report it is suggested to set a Cluster size of above 2000 voxels, and it seens weird to me, since I have never got a report like this. Afterwards, I tried with GRF and FDR Correction, but it appears an error every time I try to do it.

This is the error (first, I tried to do GRF, and then FDR Correction):

The voxel Z threshold for voxel p threshold 0.050000 is: 1.644854.
The Minimum cluster size for voxel p threshold 0.050000 and cluster p threshold 0.050000 is: 582.000000 voxels
This cluster size threshold is going to be applied on the original R statistical image.
I.e., you are looking at a thresholded R statistical image now.
The voxel R threshold for voxel p threshold 0.050000 is: 0.457500.
??? Attempt to grow array along ambiguous dimension.
Error in ==> DPABI_VIEW>RedrawOverlay at 850
Error in ==> DPABI_VIEW>ClusterPopup_Callback at 1250
        [OverlayHeader, SendHeader]=RedrawOverlay(OverlayHeader);
Error in ==> gui_mainfcn at 96
Error in ==> DPABI_VIEW at 43
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in ==>
??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in ==> w_FDRCorrection>doFDR at 179
Error in ==> w_FDRCorrection>ComputeButton_Callback at 149
OverlayHeader=doFDR(OverlayHeader, QValue);
Error in ==> gui_mainfcn at 96
Error in ==> w_FDRCorrection at 42
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in ==>
??? Error using ==> waitfor
Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
Thanks in advance for the help. And thanks for the developing of such a useful software.
All the best,

Hi Cristian,

What kind of the image you are setting as overlay? What's the voxel size and dimension?

Hi Yan Chao-Gan,

the overlay is the result R image from the Statistical Analysis/Correlation Analysis in DPABI. I preprocessed the neuroimage data with SPM 8 and the voxel size was set in the normalization procedure to [3 3 3]

Thanks for the quick response.

All the best,




sorry, buy I forgot to describe the dimensions of the mask I used, that is, the BrainMask_05_91x109x91 image template from DPABI.





Hi Cristian,

You used a wrong mask. Please use the 61x73x61 one.

Hi Yan Chao-Gan,

I have tried, and instead of above 2000, now it suggests me to select above 600 voxels, what still seems to be excessive.

I do not know what is the problem. If another solution come to your mind, I would be grateful.

Thanks again,


Hi Cristian,

What's the estimated smoothness of your image?

Hi Yan Chao-Gan,

for the smoothing procedure, I used a 6 mm FWHM Gaussian Kernel.



I mean the estimated smoothness. E.g., through DPABI's smoothest, or AFNI 3dFWHMx.



What's the individual-level p value and cluster-level p value you have set?

Smoothness of 10 could result in 600 in some combinations.

