Error message in Matlab 2013 version

Dear Johann,

I tried to run my another laptop but got some error messages below.


variable Result_tmp is not defined
error CalcCorrMatrix (line 147)
Result = Result_tmp{i_thr};
error GraphVar_calc (line 94)
error GraphVar>Btn_calcCorr_Callback (line 71)
[res allTask] = GraphVar_calc(handles);
error gui_mainfcn (line 96)
error GraphVar (line 40)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
error @(hObject,eventdata)GraphVar('Btn_calcCorr_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))

Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
variable Result_tmp is not defined
error CalcCorrMatrix (line 147)
Result = Result_tmp{i_thr};
error GraphVar_calc (line 94)
error GraphVar>Btn_calcCorr_Callback (line 71)
[res allTask] = GraphVar_calc(handles);


My matlab version is 2013.

How could I fix it?

Best regards,





i don´t think that has something to do with the MATLAB version (although I never tried the programm in the 2013 version). The part where something goes wrong has something to do with the thresholding of you matrix (i.e. result_temp for each threshold). Please try to run your calculations without any threshold and see if it works. Maybe removing and adding GraphVar back to your Matlab path may also solve the problem (sometimes the programm get´s errors if there are shadow copies of GraphVar in the path). Sorry, but I cannot suggest more at the moment.



Dear Johann,

As you mentioned that, the path was the problem.

Now, I could run without error messages.

Thank you.

