the error message about functional connetivity

Dear Dr.Yan,

 After I using xjview to save a ROI as a mask in two-sample t-test, I tried to use this mask to do voxel wise functional connectivity with Rest, unfortunately it showed error message.

The error Dialog is

Exception occured: Error using sprintf. Function is not defined for "cell" inputs.

The worng message is showed below

         Computing functional connectivity with:"/data_RAID/DPARSFA/input_test"


          Read 3D EPI functional images: "/data_RAID/DPARSFA/input_test"......................................


          Load mask "/data_RAID/DPARSFA//input_test/my_mask.img".

          Build functional connectivity mask.       Wait...


====================#####/data_RAID/Jing/DPARSFA/input_test: ROI001#####====================



          ROI time course retrieving through "/".

Exception occured.  (MATLAB:printf:invalidInputType)

         Error using sprintf

Function is not defined for 'cell' inputs.

         229#line,           fc,     in "/shome/software/spm8/toolbox/REST_V1.8/fc.m"

         1419#line,                  (parfor body),  in "/shome/software/spm8/toolbox/REST_V1.8/fc_gui.m"

         470#line,           parallel_function,    in "/shome/local/sw/matlabR2012a/toolbox/matlab/lang/parallel_function.m"

         1370#line,                  btnComputeFC_Callback,        in "/shome/software/spm8/toolbox/REST_V1.8/fc_gui.m"

         96#line,             gui_mainfcn,    in "/shome/local/sw/matlabR2012a/toolbox/matlab/guide/gui_mainfcn.m"

         39#line,             fc_gui,      in "/shome/shang/software/spm8/toolbox/REST_V1.8/fc_gui.m"


The process of my doing FC is like this:

1.Data directory included the alff data, which is nii format.

2. voxel wise using user-defined mask, and and used defined mask file

Any suggestion will be highly appreciated!




It seems caused by the path of the files. Maybe you can try to put them somewhere else.

