Dear users,
I have started to use GraphVar, though am still learning all of the functions.
I was able to follow the tutorial, but am now running into some difficulties using some of my own 'practice' data of 5 participants.
I have used ExploreDTI to create some connecitivty matrices. ExploreDTI does not output the matrices in the correct format required for GraphVar, whereby the main diagonal may not always equal to '0'. I have, therefore, changed all main diagonal elements to equal '0'.
I have loaded the brain regions (AAL atlas) and my excel spreadsheet, comprising 'group' and 'age' variables.
However, when I go to 'calculate and statistics I receive the following error: 'Index of element to remove exceeds matrix dimensions.'
Any help would be much appreicated.
Johann Kruschwitz
Thu, 09/24/2015 - 09:32
index exeeds matrix dimensions
please check the following things and see if it works:
- all the diagnoals should actually be 1 (0 may probably work as well)
- the dimensions of your matrices should correspond to the number of brain regions in the brain regions file.
- The error you get probably relates to the fact that you have empty rows in your brain regions file that are encoded as "NaN" (this may happen if you delete some regions in the default xlsx files - these empty rows will still be encoded as if something would be in there). Simply make a complete new sheet and copy your required regions in the table.
- you can check if there are NaN´s in your file by scrawling down in the "Network nodes/Brain areas" field in the Network Construction panel.