Dear Experts: DPARSF beginner

Would you mind helping me?

I downloaded "Demo data for DPARSF" from The R-fMRI Network, and set the pass. Then I started the program. It run halfway, but stopped with the error as follows.

I have made efforts to solve this problem, but I can't.

If there were somebody who knows the resolution method, please teach me. (And my MATLAB version is R2016b)


Generating AutoMasks begin...


Reading images from "C:\Img_data\ProcessingDemoData\FunImgAR\Sub_003\ra20070930_090505gefunc31x31x30240RSSub003s004a001.nii" etc.

Fixed Clip level = 420.193899

Used gradual clip level = 391.848003 ... 457.801543

Number voxel above clip level = 37599;

Clustering voxels...

Error using w_Automask>w_mask_clust (line 306)

Undefined function 'bwlabeln' for input arguments of type 'double'.


Error in w_Automask (line 58)

mask = w_mask_clust(mask);


Error in DPARSFA_run (line 1807)

    parfor i=1:AutoDataProcessParameter.SubjectNum


Error in DPARSF_run (line 113)

[Error] = DPARSFA_run(Cfg);


Error in DPARSF>pushbuttonRun_Callback (line 1154)



Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)



Error in DPARSF (line 52)

    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});


Error while evaluating UIControl Callback




Best Regards


Tsuyoshi Hashimoto

Diagnostic Radiologist, Advanced Imaging Center TSUKUBA,JAPAN




Undefined function 'bwlabeln' for input arguments of type 'double'.

You have to install matlab imaging processing toolbox.