command line batch DPABI_VIEW

Dear All,

 I'd like to overlay each participant's beta estimates with his/her own anatomical image to check each individual's data. Therefore, it would be great if we could use DPABI_VIEW in command line and speicify both the underlay and overlay images. Then using a loop, we can quickly go through individual participants' data.

After looking into DPABI_VIEW.m, I have a sense that we may have to modify the code for this purporse. But I wonder whether there is an easy trick to do so, or someone has already done this and could share the code.

Thank you very much.

Best wishes,


Hi Zhong,

Please try w_Call_DPABI_VIEW.m

function H = w_Call_DPABI_VIEW(BrainVolume,NMin,PMin,ClusterSize,ConnectivityCriterion,UnderlayFileName,ColorMap,NMax,PMax,H,Transparency,Position,BrainHeader)
% function H = w_Call_DPABI_VIEW(BrainVolume,NMin,PMin,ClusterSize,ConnectivityCriterion,UnderlayFileName,ColorMap,NMax,PMax,BrainHeader)
% Function to call y_spm_orthviews.
% Input:
%     BrainVolume  - 1) The 3D Brain Volume (could be thresholded), parameter 'BrainHeader' needed.
%                 or 2) the File Name of a Brain Image, e.g. '/home/T.img'
%     NMin         - The negative minimum (minimum in absolute value). Could be the negative threshold
%                  - default: calculate from BrainVolume
%     PMin         - The positive minimum. Could be the positive threshold
%                  - default: calculate from BrainVolume
%     ClusterSize  - Set a cluster (voxel number) must be no less than the specified Cluster Size.
%                  - default: 0
%     ConnectivityCriterion - Set Connectivity Criterion, could be: 1) 6 - six neighboring voxels (surface connected)? 2) 18 - eighteen neighboring voxels (edge connected, SPM use this criterion); 3) 26 - twenty-six neighboring voxels (corner connected).
%                  - default: 18
%     UnderlayFileName - The File Name of underlay
%                    default: ch2.nii in DPABI
%     ColorMap     - The color map. Should be m by 3 color array.
%                  - default: AFNI_ColorMap 12 segments
%     NMax         - The negative maximum (maximum in absolute value)
%                  - default: calculate from BrainVolume
%     PMax         - The maximum
%                  - default: calculate from BrainVolume
%     H            - The handle of the figure. Will create a new figure if this parameter is not given.
%     Transparency - The transparency of over lay. Default: 0.2
%     Position     - The position of the center cross. Default: [0 0 0]
%     BrainHeader  - If BrainVolume is given as a 3D Brain Volume, then BrainHeader should be designated.
% Output:
%     The Brain view.
%     H            - The figure handle of the Brain View.
% Written by Wang Xin-di 131204. Modified based on y_Call_spm_orthview.m



On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 4:57 AM, The R-fMRI Network <> wrote:
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