Bug in GraphVar resolved

Due to the help of a very commited community member (SASKE), we encountered a bug in GraphVar that could occured in case numbers (e.g. 0 1) were used instead of strings (e.g. "male" "female")  for defining groups (strings were suggested in the default variable sheet). In case of numbers (i.e., numeric) group assignment mismatches of subjects could occure. We are very very sorry for this huge inconvenience and would therefore like to appologize to all GraphVar users that have used GraphVar with the above named specifications. Although GraphVar was intensely tested we never came across this issue.

If you have used GraphVar with numbers instead of strings for defining groups please download the new GraphVar version and check your data again.

To make up for this inconvenience we announce a brand new GraphVar version that will be released next week and will feature some possibilities of "Dynamic Connectivity Analysis".


I really appreciate for your fast fixed vesion.

Also, I really hope so much your great next version of GraphVar.

Best wishes,


Hi Johann,

I wanted to let you know that I encountered this problem in the newest release of GraphVar (version 6.2).  I missed these earlier threads and coded my groups as 0 and 1.  When I extracted the values to plot in SPSS, I noticed that some of the results were not making sense (for example, in SPSS it was showing group 0 was greater than group 1, when the opposite was true in GraphVar).  I did a bunch of reading on the forum and finally came across the old thread and changed my group assignment to strings (for example, HC and PT) and I got different results - but these match up with the extracted results in SPSS, so I believe they are correct now.

I'm just writing to let you know that I think the bug still exists and to warn other people about this possiblity and hopefully save them the trouble!  :)

Thanks for the toolbox, other than this problem, it's been very helpful.



Dear Chelsea and GraphVar users,

we are very sorry for this inconvenience – yes this bug seemed to persist, although I thought that this was changed accordingly.

To solve the false group label assignment when using dummy groups (o 1) instead of strings please delete the transpose sign in the following two lines within the executeStats.m script (GraphVar_beta_v_06.2/src/calc/executeStats.m)

In file execute_stats:

Line 84:
Before:  VarData = cellstr(num2str(cell2mat(VarData)));
Correct: VarData = cellstr(num2str(cell2mat(VarData)));

Line 157:
Before:  VarData = cellstr(num2str(cell2mat(VarData)));
Correct: VarData = cellstr(num2str(cell2mat(VarData)));

This way labels of numeric coded groups will not switch.