
结果如下:DLH 0.091699 voxels^-3 before correcting for temporal DOF


FWHMx = 3.744741 voxels

FWHMy = 3.687451 voxels

FWHMz = 3.645997 voxels

FWHMx = 11.234224 mm

FWHMy = 11.062353 mm

FWHMz = 10.937990 mm

DLH = 0.092841

VOLUME = 174972

RESELS = 50.345928





3,以下是我在 JiscMail上看到的一个提取数据的代码:

dear marc.

i encountered the same question a few days ago. 

- if you would like to compare the volume of gray or white matter in total
between two or more groups, you have to extract the data with help of an vbm
tool (maybe dartel or vbm 5.1 in spm5) from the normalized and modulated
tissue images (either gray or white matter). in vbm 5.1 there is a simple
tool under the options which extracts the volumes for each subject
separately. maybe you should look in the manual.

- if you would like to compare the volumes of gray matter between two groups
for a specified ROI, john ashburner provided me with a very helpful script
to extract those. For this you should habe a binary (o,1) mask for your Roi
which is used to extract the data from the modulated and normalized gray
matter images. the script is as follows. just copy this into matlab and
follow the instructions. the output is in litre.

good luck


Vmask  = spm_vol(spm_select(1,'image','Select the binary mask')); Vdata  =
spm_vol(spm_select(Inf,'image','Select modulated warped GM')); volume =

for j=1:numel(Vdata),
    tot = 0;
    for i=1:Vdata(j).dim(3),
        M    = spm_matrix([0 0 i]);
        img  = spm_slice_vol(Vdata(j),M,Vdata(j).dim(1:2),0);
        Mmsk = Vmask.mat\Vdata(j).mat*M;
        mask = spm_slice_vol(Vmask,Mmsk,Vdata(j).dim(1:2),0);
        img  = img.*mask;
        img(~isfinite(img)) = 0;
        tot = tot + sum(img(:));
    voxvol    = abs(det(Vdata(j).mat))/100^3;
    volume(j) = tot*voxvol;



仔细看rfmri.org/course下关于Viewer和Utilities->ROI Signals Extractor的部分。

IsMultipleLabel is set to 0: All the non-zero values will be used to define the only ROI.
Extracting ROI signals...
Reading images from "C:\Users\keke\Desktop\StatisticalAnalysis-2\wfy-OCD\zVMHCMap_sub_002.nii" etc.
Error using file2mat
Cant get filename.
Error in file_array/subsref>multifile2mat (line 177)
    val(cc(i)+1:cc(i+1)) = file2mat(obj,int32(1),int32(x(y==i)));
Error in file_array/subsref>subfun (line 98)
    t = multifile2mat(sobj,varargin{:});
Error in file_array/subsref (line 65)
    t = subfun(sobj,args{:});
Error in file_array/numeric (line 13)
out = subsref(fa,struct('type','()','subs',{vo}));
Error in file_array/double (line 11)
out = double(numeric(fa));
Error in y_Read (line 71)
    Data = double(Nii.dat);
Error in y_ReadRPI (line 41)
[Data,Header] = y_Read(FileName,VolumeIndex);
Error in y_ExtractROISignal (line 178)
Error in DPABI_ROISignalExtracter>(parfor body) (line 222)
    [ROISignals] = y_ExtractROISignal(Img, handles.ROIDef, OutputFile, '', handles.IsMultipleLabel);
Error in parallel_function (line 470)
            F(base, limit, supply(base, limit));
Error in DPABI_ROISignalExtracter>ComputeButton_Callback (line 209)
parfor i=1:numel(ImgCells)
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 96)
Error in DPABI_ROISignalExtracter (line 42)
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in @(hObject,eventdata)DPABI_ROISignalExtracter('ComputeButton_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
想知道什么地方出了问题;另外想问一下在进行ROI提取时所使用的mask文件的疑问,我是应该使用view模块中产生的all cluster的T2文件,还是 single cluster的T2文件,这两者有什么区别吗
