The R-fMRI Lab Collaborative License

User Agreement of The R-fMRI Lab Collaborative License

1.     The community version of DPABI could run 6 participants in maximum in parallel with DPABISurf/DPABIFiber/DPARSF GUI. If one want to set more parallel workers, please purchase a DPABIPro server or get a The R-fMRI Lab Collaborative License (FREE). One can bypass this restriction by using the command line, e.g., DPABISurf_run(Cfg);

2.     I will cite the relevant literature if I used the related DPABI modules: DPABI (Yan et al., 2016, Neuroinformatics,, DPABISurf (Yan et al., 2021, Science Bulletin, and DPARSF (Yan et al., 2010, Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience,

3.     I understand DPABI will log the settings for counting how many subjects have been run if I am using The R-fMRI Lab Collaborative License.

4.     I will submit an annual report of research progress and update The R-fMRI Lab Collaborative License by the end of each year.

5.     The R-fMRI Lab is trying to build a human brain norm based on big brain data. I will contribute my anonymized processed data with The R-fMRI Lab by using The R-fMRI Lab Collaborative License.


NOW, THEREFORE, by signing below, I agree that I have read, understand, and agree to the conditions set forth above for using The R-fMRI Lab Collaborative License.


Number of healthy participants: __________________

Number of patients: ____________________ Diagnosis: _____________________

Age Range: __________________________

PI Name: ____________________________ PI Email: ______________________

Contact Name: _______________________ Contact Email: __________________

Institute: ___________________________________________________________

Machine ID: ________________________________________________________


PI Signature: _________________________ Date: ________________________


Please input your email in {DPABI}/License/LicensedEmail.txt, then setup a parallel workers number > 6, you will get your machine ID. Please email us a scanned signed agreement copy with your machine ID. We will evaluate the collaboration and grant The R-fMRI Lab Collaborative License on weekly basis.